

This project was developed for the exhibition ‘Fictive Archeology of Overijssel’ in Delden, The Netherlands.
The chance encounter with professional skipper Kommer Tanis, which “fishes” fossils from the North Sea, became the starting point of this project.
Although the landscape of Overijssel has no reference to its rich background, its history dates back to Stone Age when it was marked by the presence of mammoths. I decided to bring back traces of mammoths by using contemporary 3D printing techniques. Kommer Tanis provided me with a mammoth tooth which I 3D scanned and 3D printed in several copies, with a biodegradable material (PLA). Subsequently, I overlaid the teeth with golden leafs using the ancient technique of gilding to mark the importance of the object. The teeth were then buried in different places; over the years the biodegradable material will dissolve while the golden trace will remain.


Special Thanks to Mick/Perron 1, Marco Felici, Bertine Bosch, Kommer Tanis

Fossil Collected from the North Sea by profetional skipper Kommer Tanis